How to use AI in proposal management?

Planning, preparing, and developing client or customer proposals can be daunting and time-consuming. We all love writing proposals, right?

Supercharge Your Proposal Process with New Dialogue AI

New Dialogue AI is designed to streamline this process. Simply upload your existing proposals or RFPs from previous bids, and use our secure and private AI environment to craft responses for new requests for proposals or information requests that you and your team are working on.

How Can New Dialogue AI Help with Proposal Writing & Management?

Understanding Your Needs

You know your business well, and the process of writing requests for proposals (RFPs) often requires applying your existing knowledge to the templates provided by prospects. This could involve requests for tender (RFTs), proposals (RFPs), and other related documents.

Reducing Repetition

Many of these documents share similar requirements and often necessitate repetitive tasks. New Dialogue AI helps eliminate the need to repetitively prepare each document by leveraging past work to enhance your current proposals.

Tailored AI Support

  • Custom Responses - Simply input the question from the tender, and New Dialogue AI will produce a response that is highly relevant and specifically tailored to your business’s unique offerings.
  • Deep Understanding - The more content you upload, the better New Dialogue understands your business, encompassing your services, products, unique features, and processes. This comprehensive insight allows it to generate the most valuable responses, perfectly aligned with your business’s needs.

Confidence in Your Proposals

With New Dialogue, you can include AI-generated answers in your proposals with confidence. These responses are precisely targeted, based on an analysis of your business derived from the files you’ve uploaded. Unlike generic responses from typical AI chatbots, New Dialogue AI’s outputs are specifically crafted from your own business information, ensuring accuracy, clarity, and persuasiveness.

A Practical Example

A Typical Scenario - Imagine you need to generate a 100-word response for 100 different questions listed in a spreadsheet.

What's the process?

  1. Upload Documents: Begin by uploading a collection of your previous proposals or tender responses that you've completed for other opportunities to New Dialogue.
  2. Interactive AI Queries: Start chatting with New Dialogue AI by asking it questions, similar to how you would use ChatGPT.
  3. Get Tailored Responses: Copy and paste each question from the Request for Information into the chat box. New Dialogue will then generate responses that are specifically tailored to these questions, based on the documents you uploaded.

Does New Dialogue AI respect the privacy of our corporate knowledge

Yes. We developed New Dialogue to provide users like you with a secure and private environment to leverage the power of artificial intelligence. New Dialogue AI uses a process called Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), which optimizes the output of a Large Language Model (LLM) by consulting a pre-existing knowledge base—your content—beyond its training data to generate responses. Thus, the responses generated by New Dialogue are solely based on your content.

How is New Dialogue AI different from ChatGPT?

New Dialogue AI is a private artificial intelligence platform that does not use ChatGPT, or any services from OpenAI or Microsoft, for that matter. It is a standalone AI developed using one of the best open-source LLMs currently available and is designed for secure and private use by users like you.

A key benefit is that you can securely drag and drop your files into New Dialogue, knowing your content and knowledge isn't being used to improve or tune a third-party LLM. New Dialogue utilizes RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) and is not designed for DPO (Direct Preference Optimization), meaning we do not train the model using your data.

Overcoming Business Proposal Writing Challenges with AI

The Challenge of Writer’s Block
Whether you're a seasoned new business bid writer or a newcomer, a major challenge in preparing responses to RFQs (Request for Quotations), RFIs (Request for Information), and RFPs (Request for Proposals) is dealing with writer's block. It's common to feel stuck even when you know the answers but find yourself hesitating over how to best phrase your responses. The question often arises: Will your answer meet all the required criteria?

How New Dialogue AI Helps:
New Dialogue AI is designed to help you navigate these moments effortlessly, as it never experiences writer's block. It supports you and your team in transforming your thought process into clear and effective proposal content.

Using AI for Effective Responses:

  • Detailed Service Overview - Prompt New Dialogue AI to "Create a 500-word gist of our core services, and how they are relevant for the healthcare industry."
  • Strength Analysis: Ask for "What are our top 10 strengths?" to get a concise breakdown of your competitive advantages.
  • Case Study Summary: Command it to "Create an executive summary for the XYZ case study" to synthesize complex information quickly.

By using these types of prompts, New Dialogue AI ensures that your responses to RFQs, RFIs, and RFPs are not only efficient but also comprehensive, covering all essential aspects required by the proposal requests.

Can I trust what New Dialogue AI generates?

That's a great question, and perhaps the most important one. Our artificial intelligence uses RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation), which as explained previously, consults a pre-existing knowledge base (the content you share with it) beyond the training data that it comes with, in order to generate a response. What you put into New Dialogue is what you can expect to get out of it, through the use of user specific prompting. As such New Dialogue has a very limited understanding of general knowledge. It only understands your knowledge and provides results that are contextually relevant to your organization. As such, it's the best type of artificial intelligence for assisting you with developing proposals and tender responses.

How does it work?

Create a free 7-day trial. Yes it's free to trial New Dialogue. Upload your previous proposals. Note: you have a limit of 500MB of space during the trial, which is enough for about 100 files (PDF's and Office content). Once you've uploaded your files, you can chat securely with your files using the New Dialogue AI prompt.

Take a look at How it works to follow the steps of using New Dialogue AI with your content.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can AI be used for RFPs?

AI shortens the time it takes to answer Requests for Proposals. AI processes data and analyzes information much faster than a human and will write a response based on previous proposals and relevant documents you upload to it. Tools like New Dialogue AI utilize advanced techniques so that the responses it produces are tailored specifically to the RFP questions you prompt it with. This saves you time, conserves your mental bandwidth, and increases the accuracy of the answers because it draws from previous responses.

Is there an AI that can write a proposal?

Yes, there are AI tools designed to assist with business proposal writing. New Dialogue AI can help you write proposals by analyzing the business documents you upload. This ensures that the content it generates not only refers back to your source documents but, as a Large Language Model, it also creates well-structured responses that are customized to meet your specific RFP needs.

Which AI tool is best for proposal writing?

New Dialogue is the best AI tool for proposal writing. Why? Because it uses your own content as the source. When you're responding to RFP questions, it refers back to the documents you've uploaded and uses that information to craft an answer.

A major advantage here is privacy. Many businesses don't want to share their sensitive RFP documents with a public AI like ChatGPT. With New Dialogue, you can start with a trial, then choose to host the AI on your own cloud. Just upload your company files and rest easy knowing your data stays with you. The AI doesn't learn from or share your data with anyone else.

What kind of files should I upload to get the AI to help me write the RFP?

To get the most out of New Dialogue for RFP writing, you should upload comprehensive and relevant files related to previous bids, including successful proposals, RFPs, RFTs, and any other pertinent information. The more detailed and relevant your files, the better the AI can understand your business context and provide accurate and customized proposal content.

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